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Launchpad Help > API > Examples

This page has a bunch of examples of how to use launchpadlib and the Python APIs. Think of it like a cookbook that you can add your favourite recipe to.

If this duplicates launchpadlib too much, then please merge the two pages.

Hello Launchpad!

Ever wanted to have Launchpad greet you by your own name? Now you can, in the comfort of your own home.

   1 from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad, LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT
   2 launchpad = Launchpad.login_with(
   3     'hello-world', LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT, '/tmp/launchpad-cache')
   4 print 'Hello, %s!' % launchpad.me.display_name

The hello-world bit is the name of the application, LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT means connect to the production server and /tmp/launchpad-cache is a path to a cache where launchpadlib keeps all of its objects. You generally want the cache to be somewhere in the running user's home directory.