Diff for "Projects/Registering"

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Differences between revisions 14 and 19 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 14 as of 2010-05-02 17:04:50
Size: 5154
Editor: 3
Revision 19 as of 2012-07-11 16:07:52
Size: 4655
Editor: pool-108-28-25-212
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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~ - | [FrontPage [Launchpad POMOC]]> [Projekty] []> [Projekty [/ Rejestracja | Rejestracja]] - ~ ~-[[FrontPage|Launchpad Help]] > [[Projects]] > [[Projects/Registering|Registering]]-~
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| | <tablestyle="float:right; Font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;"> <<TableOfContents>> | | ||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;"><<TableOfContents>>||
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= Opis = = Overview =
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Let's have szybkie zakręcić sposób korzystania z Launchpad Na DLA projektu: Let's have a quick recap of how you can use Launchpad for your project:
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Błędów *'''Użyj aplikacji bezpośrednio nie dotyczy Launchpad:''' śledzenia, kod hosting, wsparcie Użytkowników tracker DLA, Tłumaczenia, specyfikacji tracker, tworzenia i Dystrybucji pakietu hosting, pliki do pliku Do pobrania i Tak Dalej.
*'''Lista Katalogu projektu w:''' reklama korzyści projektu DLA, dokonanie ogłoszeń, link do Błędów śledzenia, zarejestruj swój Kod i udostępnić ja w [https [: / / www.bazaar-vcs.org | Bazar]].
 * '''Use Launchpad's applications directly:''' bug tracker, code hosting, user support tracker, translations, specification tracker, distribution package build and hosting, file downloads and so on.
 * '''List your project in the directory:''' gain publicity for your project, make announcements, link to your bug tracker, register your code and make it available through [[https://www.bazaar-vcs.org|Bazaar]].
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Oczywiście, można wybierać niemal dowolną kombinację co ma do zaoferowania Launchpad. Pierwszym krokiem żart zarejestrować swój projekt. Of course, you can pick and choose almost any combination of what Launchpad has to offer. The first step is to register your project.
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= Typy Projektów zarejestrować możesz = = Types of project you can register =
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Możesz zarejestrować projektu oprogramowania wolnego W Launchpad bezpłatny. ABY dowiedzieć Się, co rozumiemy przez "Wolne oprogramowanie", spójrz Na Nasze [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/licensing|licensing Polityki]]. You can register any free software project in Launchpad free of charge. To find out what we mean by "free software", take a look at our [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/licensing|licensing policy]].
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'''Need abonamentu handlowych?''' Projekt Jeśli hasła korzysta z licencji wolnego oprogramowania, można [[https: / / answers.launchpad.net / startera / + faq/208 | kupić handlowych subskrypcji]] gościć go Launchpad. '''Need a commercial subscription?''' If your project doesn't use a free software licence, you can [[https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/208|buy a commercial subscription]] to host it with Launchpad.
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Jeśli Jestes pewien hasła, projekt Ze żartem licencja odpowiednia, [[Dyskusja opinii | nas]] Tym o. If you're not sure that your project's licence is suitable, [[Feedback|talk to us]] about it.
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(I)'''Szybka Porada:''Jeśli "chcesz zarejestrować Się W tłumaczeniu Lub Zespołu Loco W Ubuntu Launchpad, prosze [[Zespoły / Zarejestruj Się | Nowy utworzyć Zespół]], hasła projektu. {i} '''Quick tip:''' If you want to register a translation team or Ubuntu loco team in Launchpad, please [[Teams/Register|create a new team]], not a project.
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= Rejestracja = Registration =
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ABY zarejestrować swój projekt, odwie pod adresem Strone
[[Https: / / launchpad.net / Projekty | Projekty]]
To register your project, visit the page at
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[[Stronie https: / / launchpad.net / projects / + Nowe | Zarejestruj Się projekt]]. [[https://launchpad.net/projects/+new|Register a project]].
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Rejestracja żartem Prostej bardzo. Istnieje jednak kilka rzeczy zwrócić uwagę: Registration is straightforward. However, there are a few things to note:
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*'''''COUNTRY "Launchpad daje unikalną nazwę DLA swojego projektu i zastosowania głównie W adresach URL. Na przykład: [[https: / / launchpad.net / COUNTRY awn | Avant Window Navigator]] 's awn żartem `` ````.
*'''Wyświetla nazwę i Tytuł:''' używane Na Stronach o projekcie, powinny być pełna projektu COUNTRY. Na przykład: `` `Avant Window Navigator ```.
*'''Podsumowanie i Opis:''' OBU Się Na Stronie projektu pojawiają Domu, "Tylko streszczeniu ale żart W zwracany W wynikach wyszukiwania.
 * '''Name:''' the unique name Launchpad gives to your project and uses mainly in URLs. For example: [[https://launchpad.net/awn|Avant Window Navigator]]'s name is ```awn```.
 * '''Display name and title:''' used on pages related to your project, these should be the project's full name. For example: ```Avant Window Navigator```.
 * '''Summary and description:''' both appear on your project's home page but only the summary is returned in search results.
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Należy pamiętać, po zarejestrowaniu projektu Ze Bedzie hasła W stanie zmienić Jégo nazwę samodzielnie. Jeśli chcesz zmienić Mozé skontaktować się z administratorem Się Tego dla Ciebie, zapoznaj Się z [[opinii] strona] Åby uzyskać więcej Informacji. Note that once you have registered your project you will not be able to change its name by yourself. If you wish change it you can ask an administrator to that for you, read the [[Feedback]] page for more information.
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== == Grupy Projektowe == Project groups ==
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większych Kilka Projektów oprogramowania wolnego wagowych sa rzeczywistości Wiele Przewodniczący związanych Projektów z pod Pracy Tym samym sztandarem. Na przykład: Firefox żartem częścią projektu Mozilla. Launchpad reprezentuje Projekty te ([[https: / / launchpad.net / Firefox | Firefox]]) i grup projektowych [([https: / / launchpad.net / mozilla | Mozilla]]). Some larger free software projects are actually several related projects working under the same banner. For example: Firefox is part of the Mozilla project. Launchpad represents these as projects ([[https://launchpad.net/firefox|Firefox]]) and project groups ([[https://launchpad.net/mozilla|Mozilla]]).
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Grupy Projektowe przydatne sa, Poniewaz Daja jeden jednym miejscu, z którego można znaleźć i ochraniacze wszystkie INFORMACJE Na Temat Projektów składnika. Project groups are useful because they give you one place from which to find all the information about the constituent projects.
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ABY zarejestrować grupy projektowej, [https [: / / answers.launchpad.net / startera / + | addquestion plik zwracać Się O POMOC]] z Zespołu Launchpad. Read more about the process of registering a project group [[ProjectGroups|here]].
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= W ramach Projektów w roli = Roles within projects =
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Osob Zespołów Mozé i przybierać Różne W ramach projektu rolę. Teraz, DWA rolę najważniejsze to: People and teams can take different roles within your project. For now, the two most important roles are:
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*'''Właściciel:''' ma pełną kontrolę nad projektem i bierze innych Wszystkich Zadan projekcie w, dopóki hasła zostaną obsadzone przez apelacyjna osoby Zespoły Instrukcje.
*'''Driver:''' istnieje zarówno Na Projektów indywidualnych poziomie i planowanych uwolnień (tzw. seria W Launchpad). Mozé zaakceptować Lub błędy odrzucić i plany ukierunkowane Na Przyszłość serii. Skutecznie projektu wydań menedżera Instrukcje.
 * '''Maintainer:''' has full control of the project and takes all other roles in the project until they are filled by other people or teams.
 * '''Driver:''' exists at both project level and individual series (planned releases). Can approve or decline bugs and blueprints targeted to future series.
 * '''Release Manager:''' The drivers of a series are called release managers. In addition to the driver privileges, the release manager can register and manage the series milestones and releases.
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Domyślnie każdy, KTO zarejestrował projektu właścicielem Jégo żartem. Można jednak zmienić Na ja inna osobę Lub grupė W Launchpad, wykonując `` `` `` edytować linki z projektu Stroniu Przegląd. By default, whoever registered the project is its maintainer. However, you can change this to any other person or team in Launchpad by following the ```edit``` links from the project Overview page.
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Podobnie można ustawić sterownik DLA projektu z całego `` `Driver: edit ``` Na Przegląd. Mozé Jednakże na być bardziej przydatne do różnych ustalania sterowników DLA każdej serii, Jak zobaczymy później. Similarly, you can set the driver for the whole of your project with ```Driver: edit``` on the Overview. However, it may be more useful to set different drivers for each series, as we'll see later.
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Innych rol, ktoré zobaczymy W szczegółowo później obejmują: Other roles that we'll look at in detail later on include:
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* Kontakt Błąd
* Kontakt stracony
* Grupa tłumaczenie
* Skontaktować Się z obsługą.
 * bug contact
 * security contact
 * translation group
 * support contact.
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Krok Następny = = Next step =
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Next up przyjrzyjmy Się, Jak mówi Launchpad projektu [[Projekty / SeriesMilestonesReleases | Różne Linie Rozwoju organizuje i]] KRAMARZ. Next up let's look at telling Launchpad how your project [[Projects/SeriesMilestonesReleases|organises its different lines of development and releases]].
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| | <tablestyle="width: 100%;"> ~ - [[Zespoły / MailingLists | <Listy mailingowe ]]-~||< style = "text-align: right ;">~-[[ Projekty / SeriesMilestonesReleases | serii, kamienie milowe i >]]-~|| KRAMARZ ||<tablestyle="width: 100%;">~-[[Teams/MailingLists|< Mailing lists]]-~||<style="text-align: right;">~-[[Projects/SeriesMilestonesReleases|Series, milestones and releases >]]-~||

Launchpad Help > Projects > Registering


Let's have a quick recap of how you can use Launchpad for your project:

  • Use Launchpad's applications directly: bug tracker, code hosting, user support tracker, translations, specification tracker, distribution package build and hosting, file downloads and so on.

  • List your project in the directory: gain publicity for your project, make announcements, link to your bug tracker, register your code and make it available through Bazaar.

Of course, you can pick and choose almost any combination of what Launchpad has to offer. The first step is to register your project.

Types of project you can register

You can register any free software project in Launchpad free of charge. To find out what we mean by "free software", take a look at our licensing policy.

Need a commercial subscription? If your project doesn't use a free software licence, you can buy a commercial subscription to host it with Launchpad.

If you're not sure that your project's licence is suitable, talk to us about it.

{i} Quick tip: If you want to register a translation team or Ubuntu loco team in Launchpad, please create a new team, not a project.


To register your project, visit the page at Projects Register a project.

Registration is straightforward. However, there are a few things to note:

  • Name: the unique name Launchpad gives to your project and uses mainly in URLs. For example: Avant Window Navigator's name is awn.

  • Display name and title: used on pages related to your project, these should be the project's full name. For example: Avant Window Navigator.

  • Summary and description: both appear on your project's home page but only the summary is returned in search results.

Note that once you have registered your project you will not be able to change its name by yourself. If you wish change it you can ask an administrator to that for you, read the Feedback page for more information.

Project groups

Some larger free software projects are actually several related projects working under the same banner. For example: Firefox is part of the Mozilla project. Launchpad represents these as projects (Firefox) and project groups (Mozilla).

Project groups are useful because they give you one place from which to find all the information about the constituent projects.

Read more about the process of registering a project group here.

Roles within projects

People and teams can take different roles within your project. For now, the two most important roles are:

  • Maintainer: has full control of the project and takes all other roles in the project until they are filled by other people or teams.

  • Driver: exists at both project level and individual series (planned releases). Can approve or decline bugs and blueprints targeted to future series.

  • Release Manager: The drivers of a series are called release managers. In addition to the driver privileges, the release manager can register and manage the series milestones and releases.

By default, whoever registered the project is its maintainer. However, you can change this to any other person or team in Launchpad by following the edit links from the project Overview page.

Similarly, you can set the driver for the whole of your project with Driver: edit on the Overview. However, it may be more useful to set different drivers for each series, as we'll see later.

Other roles that we'll look at in detail later on include:

  • bug contact
  • security contact
  • translation group
  • support contact.

Next step

Next up let's look at telling Launchpad how your project organises its different lines of development and releases.

< Mailing lists

Series, milestones and releases >

Projects/Registering (last edited 2018-05-29 15:29:21 by cjwatson)