Project Groups
Project groups allow an organisation to manage several projects from a single place.
Managing projects with a project group
The Project group driver is also a driver for all the associated projects. The project group drivers can manage bugs and blueprints in the associated projects, including setting priority, status, and targeting them to milestones.
A project group milestone allows you to view all the targeted bugs and blueprints from all the associated projects on a single page. You can see who is working the issues and their state. The project group milestones are virtual; they are derived from the names of the milestones in the associates projects.
Requesting a project group
You can request a project group by asking a question at the Launchpad project. Explain why you need a project group, listing the projects that will be in the group. The request should include:
- The name of the project group.
The desired Launchpad ID (<launchpad-id>).
- A one sentence summary of the project.
- A paragraph description of the project.
- The team that will own the project.