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Revision 7 as of 2007-08-10 21:39:32

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Anchor(project-group) Project group: Project groups allow you to gather several Launchpad projects together. Each project within a group inherits the group's preferences regarding bug tracking, translation and security policy. An example project group is Mozilla, with Firefox and Thunderbird as projects within the group.

Anchor(name-project) Name (project): This is the unique short name that Launchpad uses to identify a project. It is used in URLs and when registering a bug against a project. Example: "blueprint" in``` for Launchpad's Blueprint Tracker.

Anchor(display-name) Display name: Projects, teams and individuals in Launchpad are usually referred to by their display name. This is distinct from the Name, which is mostly used in URLs. Example: Mark Shuttleworth's display name is Mark Shuttleworth, whereas his Launchpad name is sabdfl.

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