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Launchpad provides a free service which imports the trunk of a project from Subversion, CVS, or Git to Bazaar, or from Git to Git, and then keeps that import up to date. This allows you to make your own branches from the project trunk, and keep them up to date by merging from trunk over time as you develop your feature.

To request an import, please:

Note: if the import source is a Subversion repository, then it should be a "trunk" directory. If we can't find trunk in the repository, we won't activate the import.

The initial import can take a long timeā€”up to several days, depending on the number of revisions that need to be converted. Once the import is established it will be updated from the CVS or Subversion branch with every 6-12 hours, although an import can be requested at any time by clicking the "Import Now" button on the import page.

Depending on the nature of the import source, there are different restrictions on what branches can be tracked:

If you are having trouble using the service, please ask on #launchpad on, or mail the Launchpad team.

VcsImports (last edited 2021-05-27 14:19:37 by cjwatson)