'''DRAFT: this page is a work in progress. Please [[Feedback|seek further help]] or check the [[TitleIndex|wiki index]] for a complete page on this topic.''' ||<>|| = Overview = Launchpad aims to be a central hub of free software projects, which includes keeping track of the many upstream projects out on the web. Launchpad tracks many projects, so it's likely that your project is already in the Launchpad directory of free software projects. If not, you can [[RegisteringANewProject|register it]] any time. {i} Quick tip: you can [[https://launchpad.net/projects|search Launchpad]] to see if your project is registered. You can manage your project's directory entry in much the same was as you would a Freshmeat.net entry. This isn't really a plug to get you to use Launchpad's applications: instead we want to encourage you to keep the data Launchpad has about your project up to date. = Advantages = * Close collaboration with Ubuntu and other upstream bug triage teams. * Functional separation between your team's activities and other team's activities. * Optional use of native Launchpad platform applications: * Bug tracking: multi-project bugs, external bug watches, web and email interfaces. * Code hosting and registry: host, mirror and watch Bazaar branches, import Subversion and CVS repos. * Translations: web-based translations with automatic suggestions and huge translator community. * Answers: community user support tracker * Ubuntu PPAs: build and host Ubuntu packages. * ```bzr branch lp:project-name```: anyone can get your code in just a few key strokes. * Great Google visibility. = Taking control = If you find someone else has registered your project in Launchpad, and you want to maintain it, we can make someone from your community the project's registrant. * [[CreatingYourLaunchpadAccount|Create a Launchpad account]]: it's free and allows you to request free Ubuntu CDs :-) * [[https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion|Tell us]] you want to take control of the project. * Optionally: nominate someone in your community to be a Launchpad ambassador. = Once you're set up = Once you've registered your project, or taken control of its existing entry in Launchpad, here's what we suggest you do next: * Project home page: check your project details are accurate. * Bug tracker: specify where you track your project's bugs. * {i} Quick tip: Register your [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers|bugtracker]]. * Bug supervisor: who can triage bugs. This can be any team or individual in Launchpad. * Code imports: set up imports of your Subversion or CVS repository, or mirror your Bazaar branches. * {i} Quick tip: How to do [[https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImports|VCS Imports]]. * Packaging links to Ubuntu packages: directly link from your Launchpad page directly to the source packages in Ubuntu. - Managing bug reports and answers * Incoming email * Links to bug and answers listings * Reporting bugs in your native bugtracker and linking them * Communicating patches and branches - Further reading * How to set up translations * More on using Bazaar * Setting up team structures - Where to go for more help * Kiko and Jorge are your upstream contacts * Launchpad Answers * Bugs * launchpad-users * #launchpad