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Launchpad Help > Translations > Quick-start

Translations quick start

Need help with translating someone else's project? Take a look at our guide to translating.

Enable translations for your project

Step 1: First, add your project to Launchpad.


Check the project isn't already in Launchpad and make sure you have permission from the project to translate it in Launchpad.

Step 2: On your project's overview page, click Change details towards the top-right of the page.


Edit your project's info in Launchpad

Step 3: Scroll down the Change details page and select the check-box marked Translations for this project are done in Launchpad.


Open your project for translation in Launchpad

Step 4: Save your changes by clicking the Change button at the bottom of the page.

What's changed?

Upload your translation templates

Launchpad works with GNU gettext format translation files and templates. To tell Launchpad which English strings you want to make available for translation, you need to upload one or more template files.

Quick tip

Read the ''gettext'' manual to learn how to make the strings in your code translatable.

Translations/QuickStart/Draft (last edited 2009-08-04 15:46:20 by 92-237-59-186)