Diff for "Translations/LaunchpadTranslators"

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Differences between revisions 27 and 44 (spanning 17 versions)
Revision 27 as of 2009-05-16 14:46:24
Size: 8497
Editor: h194-54-129-79
Revision 44 as of 2010-10-08 12:08:10
Size: 8972
Editor: 247
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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[[https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators/ | Launchpad Translators group]] is a set of teams and individuals working on translating software hosted in Launchpad.
It is as a confederation of translation teams.
The [[https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators/ | Launchpad Translators group]] is a set of teams and individuals working on translating software hosted in Launchpad. It is a confederation of translation teams, it is not yet another translation project.
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There is one Launchpad localization ''team'' appointed for each language and translating projects hosted by Launchpad into that language. We believe that people translating software in the same language should work in the same team, even thought they are working at different software.
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This is not yet another translations project. We belive that people translating software in the same language should work in the same team, even thought they are working at different software. There is one Launchpad localization team appointed for each language.
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We encourage project maintainers to appoint '''Launchpad Translators''' ''group'', as the translation group for their project and set the translation model to ''structured''. We also encourage project maintainers to appoint the '''Launchpad Translators''' group as the translation group for their project.
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= Project maintainers = = Project Maintainers =
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Every project needs high quality translation that convey with the cultural background and already established guidelines for translating software into each language. Every project needs high quality translation that convey with the cultural background and the already established guidelines of each language.
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'''Launchpad Translators''' ''group'' stands for those goals and you will find below a list of steps to follow in order to start using Launchpad Translations (Rosetta) and have your project translated in many languages and in the same time assuring translation quality. The '''Launchpad Translators''' group stands for those goals. Here you can find a list of steps to follow in order to use Launchpad Translations as the translation tool for you project and have it translated into many languages.
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 * Before procedding to the next steps, please take a moment and see how to use Launchpad Translations to make translation available for your project. You can find this information at [[https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject | Translating your project help pages]]  * Before proceeding, please take a moment and see how you can use Launchpad and what you should do in order to have your project translated. You can find these information at [[https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject | Translating your project help pages]].
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 * Chose a translation permissions policy and appoint Launchpad Translators Group for doing the translation. Follow this link to find more info about [[https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject#Choosing%20a%20permissions%20policy | Choosing permissions policy]]. We recoomend using the ''Structured'' policy, as a measure to assure translation quality.  * Choose a translation permissions policy and appoint the "Launchpad Translators" group for doing the translation. Follow this link to find more info about [[https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject/PermissionPolicies | Choosing permissions policy]]. We recommend using the ''Structured'' policy, as a measure to assure translation quality.
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 * The direct link to your project permissions policy is: https://translations.launchpad.net/<YOUR-PROJECT-NAME>/+changetranslators.  * The direct link to your project permissions policy is: [[https://translations.launchpad.net/<YOUR-PROJECT-NAME>/+settings]].
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 * You can contact the [[https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-translators Launchpad Translators team]] for announcing things that affect all languages (ex. approaching release, major string changes, string freeze... etc) or a [[https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators/ specific language team]] for things affecting only one language.  * You can contact the [[https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-translators | Launchpad Translators Team]] for announcing things that affect all languages (ex. approaching release, major string changes, string freeze... etc.) or a [[https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators/ | specific language team]] for things affecting only one language.
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 * You can also send an initial message to [[https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-translators Launchpad Translators team]] and let them know about your project.  * You can also send an initial message to the [[https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-translators | Launchpad Translators Team]] and let them know about your project.
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 * When you are due to release a new version of your project, contact the team and let them know when you would like to release, in this way translators can better organize their work. It is good to advise them at least two weeks before a release.  * When you are due to release a new version of your project, contact the team and let them know when you would like to release: in this way translators can better organize their work. It is good to advise them at least two weeks before a release.
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 * If there are any translations errors or bug in your project please assign them to the [[https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-translators Launchpad Translators team]]. We will look into the problem and assign them to the proper team or person.  * If there are any translations errors or bug in your project please assign them to the [[https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-translators | Launchpad Translators team]]. We will look at the problems and assign them to the proper team or person.
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 * For your project Answers section, if people ask about specific translations or localization matters, you can assign those questions to the [[https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators/ Launchpad Translators team]]. We will try to analyze it and have a knowledgable person take care or it.  * For your project Answers section, if people ask about specific translations or localization matters, you can assign those questions to the [[https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators/ | Launchpad Translators Team]]. We will try to analyze it and have a knowledgable person take care or it.
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All members of a Launchpad localization teams should be knowledgable in translating software and be aware about the work of other teams from Launchpad or other translations project working outside of Launchpad.  All members of a Launchpad localization teams should be knowledgable in translating software into their own language, be aware about the work of other localization teams and about other translation projects.
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Launchpad translation teams are not the only translation groups in the free software ecosystem. We are aware of other translation groups or projects like the Gnome Translation Project, The Translation Project (GNU), OpenOffice.org or Mozilla localization teams and we promote the collaboration with these projects. Below is a list of steps you might follow in order to start using Launchpad Translations for translating your favorite project or distributions.
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 * Before doing any translation work please take a moment and learn how to use Launchpad as your translation tool. For more information [[https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/StartingToTranslate | check the Launchpad Translations help pages]].
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Below is a list of steps you might follow in order to start using Launchpad Translations (Rosetta) for translating your favorite project of distribution in your language.  * Consult the [[https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators/ | list of translations teams]] and check the team assigned to your language. If there is no team assigned for your language, please follow the required step to create a new one. Below you will find more information on how to create a new team.
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 * Before doing any translation work please take a moment and learn how to use Launchpad for translating projects/operating systems. For more information [[https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/StartingToTranslate | check the Launchpad Translations help pages]]

 * Consult the [[https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators/ | list of translations teams]] and check the team assigned for your language. If there is no team assigned for your language please follow the required step to create a new one. You can find more information about creating a new team at the end of this page.

 * Follow the procedure for joining the team for your language. Before joining a team you might be asked to do some translation in order to check your translation skills.
 * Follow the procedure for joining the team for your language. Before joining a team you might be asked to do some translation in order to test your translation skills.
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= Launchpad localization teams =  * You may want to join the [[https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-translators | Launchpad Translators mailing list]] and get in touch with other translators and teams.
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 * As the coordinator for your team, you act as the primary contact person for the team and are responsible for organizing the other translators in your team. This includes attempting to prevent multiple translators simultaneously attempting translations of the same file. = Launchpad Localization Teams =
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 * Coordinators need to be subscribed to the Launchpad Translators team mailing list LINK-HERE. This is highly recommended for all Launchpad translators, but required for coordinators. Launchpad localization teams are the driving force behind the Launchpad translation process. Each localization team will translate and check translations on behalf of the language appointed to it.
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== Creating a team ==
Launchpad Translators Group will appoint one team for each language. To add more teams for a specific language you will need to add them as a subteam of the initial team.
Launchpad Translators Group will only have one team appointed to each language.
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Creating a new Launchpad team for a language and asking to be assigned for that language is only required if already there is no team appointed for that language. To check the current status of Launchpad Translators Group, please consult the [[https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators/ | list of Launchpad localization teams]]:
 * If your language does not appear in the list, please consider starting a new team for your language.
 * If your language is in the list, please consider joining that team (or request that your current team to be added as a subteam).
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To check the current status you can consult the [[https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators/ | Launchpad Translators Group in Rosetta]]. If the Launchpad localization team appointed to your language is no longer active, or in case you encounter problems joining or working with the team, please let us know by [[https://launchpad.net/%7Elaunchpad-translators-leaders/+contactuser | contacting the Launchpad Translation Coordinators]].
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If there is already a team appointed for a language you can still create your own translation team but in order to translate software in your language you will need to become a subteam of the already appointed team for your language.
To do so please ask one of the Launchpad team administrators assigned for you language.
== How to start a new team and join Launchpad Translators ==
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If the Launchpad team assigned for your language is no longer active, please let us know by [[https://answers.launchpad.net/rosetta | filling an answer in Launchpad Translations (Rosetta)]]. Here's how you can create a new team for your language and join the Launchpad Translators group:
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Steps to follow for creating a team and appointing to a language.
 * Join the launchpad translators discussions/announcements list - ADD LINK TO THIS LIST
 * Create a wiki page or a web page explaining how translators should work in your team.
  * You can follow the hints from our best practices section and adapt them to your language/team
  * Add your translation guide for your language to the list of [[Translations/GuidesList | translation guides]]
 * '''Create the team'''. [[https://launchpad.net/people/+newteam |Create a new Launchpad localization team]]. When naming the team we recommend to follow the convention: '''lp-l10n-CC''', where CC is your '''language''' code . We use iso-639 two letters code and if not available we fallback to three letters code.
 * '''Moderated subscription'''. Make the [[Teams/CreatingAndRunning#Subscription%20policies|subscription policy]] of the new team '''Moderated''' or '''Restricted'''. Only this way you can ensure the quality of translations.
 * '''Team information'''. Add some brief information on the team's page. This should include:
  * A welcome note with the purpose of the team
  * A note on how to join the team
  * Links to the team's existing communication channels (e.g. mailing list, forums, IRC channel, wiki, etc)
 * '''Team communication'''. The team should have a communication channel to coordinate the translation activities. This can be any of: a mailing list, IRC, forums, etc. This can be arranged after the team has been accepted, but it is a requirement.
 * '''Guidelines'''. The team should have a set of translation guidelines. This can be arranged after the team has been accepted, but it is a requirement.
  * You can use the [[Translations/Guide | general Launchpad localization guidelines]] or adapt them for your language/team.
  * [[Translations/Guidelines | Let Launchpad know about your translation guidelines]].
 * '''Coordinator'''. The team should have a coordinator, who should subscribe to the ubuntu-translators mailing list and forward any relevant announcements or information to the team. As the coordinator, you are the primary contact person for the team and the person who make things happen.
   * As the coordinator of a Launchpad localization team, it is higly recommended to join the [[https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-translators | Launchpad Translators mailing list]].
 * '''Apply'''. [[https://answers.launchpad.net/rosetta/+addquestion|Send a support request]] for the Launchpad Translations Coordinators to appoint your team in the Launchpad Translators group. Please include a link to your team and a short note explaining how you have addressed the points above.
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 * If you translation karma is over 5000 go to the final step
 * If you are already a coordinator of a translation team, let us know about this, and go to step X
 * If there is already a GNOME, KDE, OpenOffice.org, Mozilla, etc. upstream project from your language point us some translation you have made for those projects then go to the final step
 * If there is no upstream project already set for your language please consider following the required steps in creating one for your language. There is no problem if in the same time you are the coordinator for multiple translation projects.
 * '''Final step''' - create a lp-l10n-CC team and ask [[https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Elaunchpad-translators-leaders/+contactuser | Launchpad Translators Leaders]] to appoint a your language to this team. We use iso-639 two letters code and if not available we fallback to three letters code.
Except for creating the guidelines and setting up a communication channel, this process should not take more than a few minutes to complete. If you need any help or you've got any questions in any of the steps, feel free to [[https://answers.launchpad.net/rosetta/+addquestion|ask]], and we'll be happy to give a hand.
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||<tablestyle="width: 100%;"> ~-[[Translations/TranslationGroups|< Translations Groups]] -~ ||<style="text-align: right;"> ~- [[Translations/Guide|General translation Guide >]] -~ ||
||<tablestyle="width: 100%;"> ~-[[Translations/TranslationGroups|< Translations Groups]] -~ ||<style="text-align: right;"> ~- [[Translations| Translations help page >]] -~ ||

Launchpad Help > Translations > Translators and Translation Teams in Launchpad


The Launchpad Translators group is a set of teams and individuals working on translating software hosted in Launchpad. It is a confederation of translation teams, it is not yet another translation project.

We believe that people translating software in the same language should work in the same team, even thought they are working at different software.

There is one Launchpad localization team appointed for each language.

We encourage Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, GNOME, KDE, Mozilla, OpenOffice.org and all other translators dedicated to a specific project to join the localization team appointed for their language.

We also encourage project maintainers to appoint the Launchpad Translators group as the translation group for their project.

Project Maintainers

Every project needs high quality translation that convey with the cultural background and the already established guidelines of each language.

The Launchpad Translators group stands for those goals. Here you can find a list of steps to follow in order to use Launchpad Translations as the translation tool for you project and have it translated into many languages.

  • Before proceeding, please take a moment and see how you can use Launchpad and what you should do in order to have your project translated. You can find these information at Translating your project help pages.

  • Choose a translation permissions policy and appoint the "Launchpad Translators" group for doing the translation. Follow this link to find more info about Choosing permissions policy. We recommend using the Structured policy, as a measure to assure translation quality.

  • The direct link to your project permissions policy is: https://translations.launchpad.net/<YOUR-PROJECT-NAME>/+settings.

  • You can contact the Launchpad Translators Team for announcing things that affect all languages (ex. approaching release, major string changes, string freeze... etc.) or a specific language team for things affecting only one language.

  • You can also send an initial message to the Launchpad Translators Team and let them know about your project.

  • When you are due to release a new version of your project, contact the team and let them know when you would like to release: in this way translators can better organize their work. It is good to advise them at least two weeks before a release.
  • If there are any translations errors or bug in your project please assign them to the Launchpad Translators team. We will look at the problems and assign them to the proper team or person.

  • For your project Answers section, if people ask about specific translations or localization matters, you can assign those questions to the Launchpad Translators Team. We will try to analyze it and have a knowledgable person take care or it.


All members of a Launchpad localization teams should be knowledgable in translating software into their own language, be aware about the work of other localization teams and about other translation projects.

Below is a list of steps you might follow in order to start using Launchpad Translations for translating your favorite project or distributions.

  • Before doing any translation work please take a moment and learn how to use Launchpad as your translation tool. For more information check the Launchpad Translations help pages.

  • Consult the list of translations teams and check the team assigned to your language. If there is no team assigned for your language, please follow the required step to create a new one. Below you will find more information on how to create a new team.

  • Follow the procedure for joining the team for your language. Before joining a team you might be asked to do some translation in order to test your translation skills.
  • Follow the rules of your team, communicate and keep in touch with the team.
  • You may want to join the Launchpad Translators mailing list and get in touch with other translators and teams.

Launchpad Localization Teams

Launchpad localization teams are the driving force behind the Launchpad translation process. Each localization team will translate and check translations on behalf of the language appointed to it.

Launchpad Translators Group will only have one team appointed to each language.

To check the current status of Launchpad Translators Group, please consult the list of Launchpad localization teams:

  • If your language does not appear in the list, please consider starting a new team for your language.
  • If your language is in the list, please consider joining that team (or request that your current team to be added as a subteam).

If the Launchpad localization team appointed to your language is no longer active, or in case you encounter problems joining or working with the team, please let us know by contacting the Launchpad Translation Coordinators.

How to start a new team and join Launchpad Translators

Here's how you can create a new team for your language and join the Launchpad Translators group:

  • Create the team. Create a new Launchpad localization team. When naming the team we recommend to follow the convention: lp-l10n-CC, where CC is your language code . We use iso-639 two letters code and if not available we fallback to three letters code.

  • Moderated subscription. Make the subscription policy of the new team Moderated or Restricted. Only this way you can ensure the quality of translations.

  • Team information. Add some brief information on the team's page. This should include:

    • A welcome note with the purpose of the team
    • A note on how to join the team
    • Links to the team's existing communication channels (e.g. mailing list, forums, IRC channel, wiki, etc)
  • Team communication. The team should have a communication channel to coordinate the translation activities. This can be any of: a mailing list, IRC, forums, etc. This can be arranged after the team has been accepted, but it is a requirement.

  • Guidelines. The team should have a set of translation guidelines. This can be arranged after the team has been accepted, but it is a requirement.

  • Coordinator. The team should have a coordinator, who should subscribe to the ubuntu-translators mailing list and forward any relevant announcements or information to the team. As the coordinator, you are the primary contact person for the team and the person who make things happen.

  • Apply. Send a support request for the Launchpad Translations Coordinators to appoint your team in the Launchpad Translators group. Please include a link to your team and a short note explaining how you have addressed the points above.

Except for creating the guidelines and setting up a communication channel, this process should not take more than a few minutes to complete. If you need any help or you've got any questions in any of the steps, feel free to ask, and we'll be happy to give a hand.

< Translations Groups

Translations help page >

Translations/LaunchpadTranslators (last edited 2010-12-23 13:33:10 by 94)