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[:FrontPage:Launchpad user guide] > [:Teams] > [:Teams/Mentoring:Mentoring]



Getting involved in a free software project can be quite intimidating: not only is there a great deal of technical detail to learn but it can also take a while to learn the social side of a project.

As a potential new contributor, each team that uses Launchpad mentoring will give you:


The mentoring icon

If you're in a community that's looking to attract new participants, Launchpad mentoring gives you:


Shows that a team offers mentoring

Mentoring works through Launchpad teams: although individuals make and accept offers of mentorship, the offers are linked to teams and are accessible through a project's bug or blueprint list. There are a few reasons for running mentoring through teams:

Let's take a closer look at mentoring.

Finding offers of mentoring


The mentoring icon in a project's bug list

There are two main ways to find offers of mentoring:

The first of these is usually the quickest. Let's say you're interested in helping fix Ubuntu bugs and take a look at the [ Ubuntu BugSquad] team.


It's easy to see if a team offers mentoring

Click the Mentoring available button and you can see a list of all that [ team's offers of mentoring], in order of when the offer was made.


Bugs and blueprints for which this team offers mentoring

Now, view each bug and blueprint - by clicking its title in the list - until you find one that interests you. To take up someone's offer of mentoring, view their profile and use one of their contact methods.

Offering mentoring

Anybody who is a member of at least one team can offer mentorship and each bug or blueprint can have as many mentors as are willing to volunteer.

Why do you need to be a member of a team? When you make the offer to mentor someone trying to do this work, you choose which of the teams you participate in is the "beneficiary".

You should also be certain that you can give enough time to answer questions from the person you're working with.

Choosing a bug or blueprint

The first step is to choose a bug or blueprint that you're willing to help a newcomer with.

Good candidate bugs and blueprints are:

  1. a relatively straightforward piece of work for someone who wants to join one of your teams
  2. something you know how to fix or implement
  3. relevant to the work of one of one of the teams of which you are a member.

You should also be confident that the fix or implementation you have in mind will be accepted by the relevant project. It could be highly discouraging for your mentee if their work is rejected.

Making an offer


New contributors can now contact you for help

Once you've found a candidate bug or blueprint, open it in your browser then click Offer mentoring in the Actions menu. Select the most relevant team and make sure you're subscribed to the bug or blueprint.

Now, you're listed on the bug/blueprint page as offering mentoring for it and you'll show up in the relevant team's mentoring offers list.

Retracting an offer

You should try to review [ your list of mentoring offers] from time to time. If you are unable to meet any of your mentorship commitments, it would be best to retract your offer.

Go to the page of the bug or blueprint concerned. Your name should be in the list of mentors on the page. Click the Retract my offer of mentorship link just below this list, then confirm your decision by clicking on the "Retract Mentoring" button.

When you retract an offer of mentoring it will disappear immediately from all the lists where it was previously displayed.

You can only retract an offer while the bug or blueprint is incomplete. Once the bug is completely fixed, or the blueprint is implemented, you can't make or retract an offer of mentorship.

Next steps

Now that you've joined or even created a team, it's time to take a look at how to [:Projects/Registering:create and manage a project in Launchpad].