Diff for "Teams/Joining/Draft"

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Differences between revisions 3 and 6 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2008-02-28 17:01:50
Size: 3984
Editor: 77-100-239-119
Revision 6 as of 2008-02-29 14:11:35
Size: 3222
Editor: 77-100-239-119
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Overview =

Launchpad teams are a great way for people to organise themselves around a particular community or effort.

In Launchpad, teams are very similar to people: you can assign a bug to a team, make a team a bug contact, run a team code branch, publish Ubuntu packages in a team archive and teams can even join other teams. When you join a team, you automatically get access to everything the team can access.

There's also a few of things that are unique to teams: mailing lists, mentoring and translation into certain languages for some packages and projects. We'll take a look at those later, though.

With over 2,000 teams registered in Launchpad, covering activities as diverse as [https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-eo translating Ubuntu into Esperanto] and [https://edge.launchpad.net/~zope3-dev Zope 3 development], there's likely to be something for a community or effort that interests you. However, later on we'll also run through creating your own team.
~-[:FrontPage:Launchpad user guide] > [:Teams] > [:Teams/Joining:Joining a team]-~
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It may that there isn't yet a team in Launchpad that deals with the activity or community that interests you. If that's the case, you can [:Teams/CreatingAndRunning:create your own team]. If there isn't yet a team in Launchpad that deals with the activity or community that interests you, you can [:Teams/CreatingAndRunning:create your own team].

||<tablestyle="width: 100%;">~-[:YourAccount/Karma:< Learn about karma]-~||<style="text-align: right;">~-[:Teams/CreatingAndRunning:Creating and running a team >]-~||

DRAFT: this page is a work in progress. Please [:Feedback:seek further help] or check the [:TitleIndex:wiki index] for a complete page on this topic.


[:FrontPage:Launchpad user guide] > [:Teams] > [:Teams/Joining:Joining a team]

Learning more about a team

Let's take a look at Ubuntu's [https://launchpad.net/~5-a-day 5 A Day] team.


Ubuntu's 5 A Day team

Straight away, you can see what this team's all about: each member agrees to solve five Ubuntu bugs per day. There's also a team logo - just like the [:YourAccount/Branding:mugshot] on your own profile page - and a summary of its membership and contact details.


The 5 A Day team's summary

You can also see the team's icon. When you join a team, this shows up on your profile page, giving another clue to other people about the sort of work you do in Launchpad.

Membership policies

The 5 A Day team has an open membership policy but that's just one of three policies Daniel, its creator, could have chosen:

  • Open: anyone can join.

  • Moderated: a team administrator must approve membership applications.

  • Restricted: you can't apply to join, only the team's administrators can add new members.

If a team is open or moderated, you can sign up using the Join this team button. When you apply to join, Launchpad will email you and the team's administrators. If it's a moderated team, you'll also receive a second email once the administrators have chosen to accept or decline your application.

= Seeing who is in a team =

You can take a look at who has already joined a team by viewing its membership list. This can be useful if you need to contact one of the team's administrators.

A more fun way of seeing who's in a team is its group photo!


Team photo

Finding a team

Finding a team is pretty straightforward: you can [https://edge.launchpad.net/people search for a team] and [https://edge.launchpad.net/people/+teamlist browse a list of all teams] in Launchpad.

{i} Quick tip: If you already know the team's name, you can visit it directly. For example: https://launchpad.net/~5-a-day

Next step

If there isn't yet a team in Launchpad that deals with the activity or community that interests you, you can [:Teams/CreatingAndRunning:create your own team].

[:YourAccount/Karma:< Learn about karma]

[:Teams/CreatingAndRunning:Creating and running a team >]

Teams/Joining/Draft (last edited 2008-06-26 19:21:46 by host63-43-dynamic)