Bug-tracking (Malone)
- gISOMount, a graphical interface for mounting ISOs.
- semperwiki (apparently)
- bonfire (apparently)
- live-f1
- nufw
- gnome-torrent
- powerchick
- usp
- tribunal
Olive, a GUI frontend for bzr.
- bzr-svn
- bzrk
- pqm
- trac-bzr
- bzr-hg
- bzr-gtk
- bzr-pqm
- svn2bzr
- bzr-pqm
- shelf
- bzr-email
Projects related to Canonical, Ubuntu and partners
- DLCMS (Distributed Learning Content Management System)
- live-f1
- usp
- uck
- live-installer
- planet
- language-selector
- gnome-app-install
- schooltool (minor use, however)
- launchpad-report-tool
- fridge
- dilys
- storm
- edubuntu-website
- ubuntu-express
- update-manager
- update-notifier
- ubuntu-bots
- ubuntu-cdimage
- ubuntu-website
- ubuntu-fr-website
- xubuntu-website
- ubuntu-winfoss
- gdebi
- Ubuntu support points map
- Germinate
- Freedom Toaster software and hardware
Launchpad itself
- Landscape
Translations (Rosetta)
Specifications (Blueprint)