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{i} Note: To report a bug directly with the project that creates the software, read our article ReportingSoftwareProjectBugs.

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Enter a brief summary of the bug you've found. Example: Program X crashes when editing multiple documents.

Step 3: Launchpad will search existing bugs and show you a list of bugs that appear similar to the one you've reported. You'll also see a list of the bugs that people report most often.

Check the bugs that Launchpad lists. If one appears to be the same as the problem you encountered, click it, then skip to the section titled Adding comments to an existing bug.

Step 4: If you don't see a similar bug in the list that Launchpad shows you, scroll down to the section headed In which package did you find this bug?

The software in your Linux distribution is held in packages. To identify where you found the bug, you need to specify the appropriate package. Click Choose.


Step 5: A pop-up window will open. Use the text-box to enter the name of the software you were using, then click Search. If you see a package name similar to the name of the software you were using, click it. Otherwise, close the pop-up window without entering a package name.

Step 6: In the large text-box, beneath your one-line summary, give as much information as you can about the bug. Useful information includes:

{i} Quick-tip: You can learn what information is most useful in the article [ How to report bugs effectively].

Step 7: When you've given as much relevant information as possible, click the Submit Bug Report button.

Launchpad will now email the Linux distribution's bug team, to let them know that you've created a bug.