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Revision 17 as of 2008-03-25 22:53:23

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DRAFT: Work in progress.

This feature is in Beta Test. Please help us find bugs!

This page describes Launchpad's role as an [ OpenID] provider. Launchpad currently supports OpenID [ 2.0].

What is OpenID?

[ OpenID] is a free and easy way to use a single digital identity across the Internet. With one OpenID you can login to all your favorite websites and forget about online paperwork! Best of all, you can now use your Launchpad account as your single digital identity.

Where can I use it?

You can use your Launchpad Account on any one of a growing number of sites which support OpenID.

What do I have to do to enable and use it?

Your existing Launchpad ID is already enabled for your use. To protect your privacy, we do not expose your Launchpad account name. For OpenID 2.0 we use the address of the Launchpad Login Service and for OpenID 1.0 we use an ID number to link back to your account. Please use the OpenID 2.0 login where possible for optimal privacy.

For OpenID 2.0 sites, simply enter the following as your OpenID

For OpenID 1.0 sites, Go to [ your person page] and, from the "OpenID login:" field, copy your OpenID URL and paste that into the OpenID Login prompt.

XXX: JoeyStanford - maybe include a doctored screenshot of person page showing the private OpenID information

How do I delegate my OpenID?

XXX: JoeyStanford - untested but should work. Also need to test openid2.local_id as we migiht be able to simply use there.

With OpenID, you can easily set your webpage or blog up as an identity URL using [ delegation]. By inserting a little bit of code into your blog or website, you can easily make your blog or website your OpenID.

Rather than presenting your Launchpad OpenID, you'd enter your openid as Launchpad will still be providing the backend so you'll be asked for your password by Launchpad. However, when you show up as a commenter on, for example, a Livejournal thread, the openid displayed will be your personal blog or website.

To set your blog or website up as a delegate, simply add this snippet of code into the <head> of your page. It will need to go between the <head> and </head> elements on the page.

<link rel="openid.server" href="" />
<link rel="openid.delegate" href="" />
<link rel="openid2.provider" href="" />
<link rel="openid2.local_id" href="" />

You'll need to replace the with your actual Launchpad OpenID.

Note that we do not support [ XRDS] as this time.