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Usually, when you register a Bazaar branch with Launchpad, the branch is marked as associated with a particular project.

If you'd prefer to upload a branch to Launchpad without it showing up in any project's branch listings, you can use the +junk pseudo-project. This can be useful if your branch is:

+junk branches work just like normal branches: anyone can create their own branch and they show up in [ your own branch list]. The only difference is that they don't appear in a project's branch list.

Registering a +junk branch

Registering a +junk branch is just the same as registering a branch that's associated with a project, except for two things:

  1. you register it on [ your own code overview page], rather that from a project page

  2. you shouldn't specify a project name.

Finding your +junk branch

For example: if your Launchpad name is matthew.revell,