Diff for "KarmaCalculation"

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Differences between revisions 5 and 9 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2007-04-02 13:30:42
Size: 1976
Editor: 62-30-68-94
Revision 9 as of 2008-04-02 17:08:58
Size: 29
Editor: 77-100-239-119
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Karma is Launchpad's way of showing how active a person is in Launchpad.

Almost everything you do in Launchpad helps you to build karma. For example: registering bugs, translating strings and answering support requests. Your karma is a reflection of the type of work you've done and when you did it.

== How we calculate your karma ==

When you work in Launchpad, it records actions that are valuable to the community, such as commenting on a bug or translating a string.

Each day, Launchpad looks at all of the work you've done and gives each action a score. The score it gives to an action depends on:

 * what sort of work you did
 * when you did the work.

For example: if you answer a support request today, Launchpad will give you the full score. If you answered a support request six months ago, Launchpad would award you half the score. After twelve months an action no longer counts towards your karma.

Your karma is the total of the score Launchpad awards you in each category of work.

== Why is karma time sensitive? ==

Launchpad reduces the karma it gives to older actions for two reasons:

 * to reflect each individual's current work
 * and to give newer users the opportunity to catch up with longer-term users.

== How Launchpad calculates the score for each type of work ==

Overall, Launchpad ensures that the total score in each application is the same. For example: if the total karma for work in the Bug Tracker were 500, but the total for the Answer Tracker were 1,000, Launchpad would tune each category's score so that they were equal.

To do this normalisation, Launchpad adds up the the total amount of karma it has given to people in each category. It then works out a scaling factor for each category and multiplies everyone's karma in each category by this scaling factor. As these scaling factors are recalculated daily, it introduces some 'wobble' into karma scores, although this evens out in the longer term.
#redirect YourAccount/Karma

KarmaCalculation (last edited 2008-06-17 14:21:18 by localhost)