First step would be to install bzr.
Open up a terminal and type:
sudo aptitude install bzr
Now we should make sure bzr knows who we are:
bzr whoami "Your Name <your@email>"
bzr launchpad-login USERNAME
To interact with launchpad in any way, you must have an account and a SSH key registered, so make sure you have both.
Next you would need to register a product.
Once you have all of those steps covered, you have to create a repository of what you want to upload, so go to the directory where all the files are:
cd project_dir
and then create the initial local repository:
bzr init
bzr add (this adds all the files in the directory, see bazaar documentation to exclude files or directories)
bzr commit -m "first commit"
Your local bzr repository is now ready to be sent to launchpad.
You would do this with:
bzr push lp:~launchpad_user_or_team/project_name/branch
Your project is now hosted on Launchpad. Keep in mind it might take a few minutes after the push is done succesfully for everything to work correctly.
Any user who wants to work on the project has two different approaches:
Checkouts: Usually recommended for quick changes, it commits straight into Launchpad
bzr checkout lp:~launchpad_user_or_team/project_name/branch
Branches: For bigger changes, it commits locally and you push the changes to Launchpad when ready
bzr branch lp:~launchpad_user_or_team/project_name/branch
Whenever making changes to the files, both approaches need a:
bzr commit -m "a comment on what has been changed"
But when using branches, you also need send your changes:
bzr push lp:~launchpad_user_or_team/project_name/branch
More information on bzr: