Launchpad Entry:
Created: Date(2006-10-29 by CoreyBurger2
Contributors: CoreyBurger2
Packages affected:
Blueprint should have a timeline in it, allowing people to see what specs have changed recently, somewhat similar to Recent Changes on a wiki.
Being able to see what specs have changed and added recently is useful for a lot of people, including project managers and marketers.
Use cases
- Corey writes the Ubuntu Weekly News and wants to be able to see what specs have changed in the past week. Currently he cannot find out this information Matt runs all of Ubuntu developments and wants to be able to see what new specs have been registered, to be able to see what interesting new ideas the community have developed Jane runs meetings and wants to be able to see what happened at the meeting currently happening, via which specs have changed status and been added, by whom. Jim registered a spec and wants to be able to see what changes have been made to the spec over time, so he can see who has listed themselves are interested, etc. Laurie cares about a few specs and wants to see what changes on those specs without wading through the entire list.
LP needs to keep the date of each of the following dates (and the person who made the change):
- registered
- new subscribers
- changes in subscribers (add, remove, changed status)
- change of key players
- accepted or declined for meetings
- status
- whiteboard changes
There should be a number of pages: -changes in all specs in LP -changes in one particular product or distro -changes about specs I have registered|subscribed to|etc. -changes for specs at a meeting
Outstanding issues