= Launchpad Badge Kit = If you or your project uses [[https://launchpad.net|Launchpad]], display one of these badges to let people know! '''Trademark and usage policy:''' ''Launchpad''™ is a trademark of Canonical Ltd. You are encouraged to use these images to refer to your use of the Launchpad.net services. Canonical may revoke your permission to use these images if you make modifications to the images or use them incorrectly (e.g., on a project that does not use Launchpad.net). ||`120px wide`<
>[[http://media.launchpad.net/lp-badge-kit/launchpad-badge-w120px.png|{{http://media.launchpad.net/lp-badge-kit/launchpad-badge-w120px.png}}]] || ||`160px wide`<
>[[http://media.launchpad.net/lp-badge-kit/launchpad-badge-w160px.png|{{http://media.launchpad.net/lp-badge-kit/launchpad-badge-w160px.png}}]] || ||`200px wide`<
>[[http://media.launchpad.net/lp-badge-kit/launchpad-badge-w200px.png|{{http://media.launchpad.net/lp-badge-kit/launchpad-badge-w200px.png}}]] || ||`250px wide`<
>[[http://media.launchpad.net/lp-badge-kit/launchpad-badge-w250px.png|{{http://media.launchpad.net/lp-badge-kit/launchpad-badge-w250px.png}}]] || = How to Display a Badge = Insert HTML like the following into the page where you want to display the badge, replacing '''FILL_ME_IN''' with either a project name or a Launchpad username (if a username, remember to include the '''~''', for example '''~joey''' as used [[http://joey.ubuntu-rocks.org/blog/|here]]). The default width of 160px is good for most contexts, but you can choose another pixel width from the list above or make a custom image from the [[http://media.launchpad.net/lp-badge-kit/launchpad-badge.svg|scalable SVG file]] if necessary. {{{ Launchpad logo }}}