Diff for "API/launchpadlib/code_snippets"

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Differences between revisions 4 and 5
Revision 4 as of 2009-03-16 18:02:30
Size: 1896
Editor: a89-183-82-211
Revision 5 as of 2009-11-25 20:19:27
Size: 24
Editor: 70-8-217-239
Comment: Redirect to API/Examples now.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;"><<TableOfContents>>||

= code snippets =

'''''(Under construction)'''''

This page lists some useful pieces of code

== Bugs ==

=== Does a bug have a release target? ===

    >>> def has_target(bug, series):
    ... series_url = str(series)
    ... for task in bug.bug_tasks:
    ... if str(task).startswith(series_url):
    ... return True
    ... return False
    >>> b = launchpad.bugs[324614]
    >>> ubuntu = launchpad.distributions["ubuntu"]
    >>> jaunty = ubuntu.getSeries(name_or_version="jaunty")
    >>> has_target(b, jaunty)

== Packages ==

=== listing the current package versions in a particular distroseries ===

    >>> ubuntu = launchpad.distributions["ubuntu"]
    >>> archive = ubuntu.main_archive
    >>> series = ubuntu.current_series
    >>> archive.getPublishedSources(exact_match=True, source_name="apport", distro_series=series)[0].source_package_version

=== get dsc-files for sources in an archive ===

    import re
    import urlparse
    def create_webroot_url_from_self_link(self_link):
        scheme, netloc, _, _, _ = urlparse.urlsplit(self_link)
        netloc = netloc.lstrip("api.")
        return u"%s://%s/" %(scheme, netloc)
    def get_dsc(archive):
        re_version = re.compile(r"^\d+\:")
        x = archive.getPublishedSources()
        webroot = create_webroot_url_from_self_link(archive.self_link)
        for i in x:
            version = i.source_package_version
            version = re_version.sub("", version, 1)
            yield "%s~%s/+archive/+files/%s_%s.dsc" \
                %(webroot, archive.owner.name, i.source_package_name, version)


API/launchpadlib/code_snippets (last edited 2009-11-25 20:19:27 by 70-8-217-239)