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Installing the Launchpad plugin for Bugzilla

The bugzilla-launchpad project is a Bugzilla extension that allows Bugzilla and Launchpad to interact.

A note on version numbering

The version number of the plugin shows two things:

<plugin version>-<bugzilla version>

<plugin version> is the version of the plugin.

<bugzilla version> is the version of Bugzilla that the plugin is compatible with.

So, a plugin instance with a version number of 0.9-3.2 means that the plugin is version 0.9, compatible with Bugzilla version 3.2.

Getting the plugin

You can download the plugin from it's Launchpad project page. Make sure you get the right plugin for your version of Bugzilla.


(Wherever it says <version> in these instructions, we mean "the plugin version number goes here".)

1. Untar the package:

  tar -xzf bugzilla-launchpad-<version>.tar.gz

2. Change to your Bugzilla directory:

  cd /path/to/bugzilla

(That's probably /var/www/html/bugzilla if you followed the standard Bugzilla installation instructions.)

2. Apply the patch to your Bugzilla installation:

  patch -p0 -i /path/to/bugzilla-launchpad-<version>/patch.diff

Don't worry, the patch was written and reviewed by the Bugzilla developers themselves, so it's safe to apply.

If you're running Red Hat or an older Fedora, you might have to fix the SELinux permissions on the files after applying the patch:

  /sbin/restorecon -Rv ./

3. Install the extension:

  mv /path/to/bugzilla-launchpad-<version>/launchpad extensions/

4. Run checksetup.pl to install the plugin:


5. checksetup.pl will direct you to a URL to finish the installation.

And now the plugin should be working!